Sunday, December 13, 2009

LASIK Surgery Hobart

LASIK Surgery (Laser eye surgery) is an extremely beneficial form of treatment for people with an astigmatism and various other eye problems. If you are suffering from any vision related problems there are several doctors located in the Hobart area that practice this kind of surgery. In many cases people who wear prescription eyeglasses no longer need to wear them after having this kind of surgery. The surgery is performed by cutting a flap into the cornea of a patient and employs a precision laser beam in order to reshape the eye to achieve the desired result. There are two different techniques employed when relating to the cutting of the cornea, these are known as the "Blade and Bladeless" techniques.

The bladeless procedure uses an additional laser to cut the cornea instead of the small, thin blade used in the bladed type of surgery. Both types are considered LASIK Surgery and are employed in different circumstances. The only way to know which type of surgery is better suited for your individual needs is to consult with a professional. Laser eye surgery has become increasingly sophisticated over the years and is now safer than it has ever been. There are possible side effects to Laser eye surgery but the most commonly experienced one is dryness of the eye. When this side effect occurs it usually clears up during the post op healing period but is occasionally a permanent condition.

A notable variation of LASIK Surgery is known as Wave-Front Guided LASIK. Wave-Front Guided LASIK takes a slightly different approach than the regular surgery in the way the lasers are used. Many professionals are of the opinion that Wave-Front LASIK is actually a superior form of surgery. However, there may be situations where this is not the best approach and varies greatly from patient to patient. There are doctors practicing all the different variations of LASIK Surgery in the Hobart area. If you ever undergo such a surgery, the post operation healing period takes about six months to complete. If you do not have the money to afford LASIK Surgery but have insurance, you may or may not be covered by your insurance policy.

Insurance policies vary in general but if you can see with eye glasses and your ability to see does not depend on the surgery, your insurance company may try to treat it as a cosmetic surgery. It greatly depends on the individual insurance policy and what particular problem the surgery is treating. If you pay for the surgery out of your own pocket, the prices tend to range from $1500 to $3000 USD depending on where you go and what type of LASIK Surgery you need. Laser eye surgery utilizes truly amazing technology and has helped thousands of people recover from severe vision problems. If you think you can benefit from LASIK Surgery, consider getting in contact with an eye surgeon near you. Many doctors are willing to provide you with a free consultation, what do you have to lose?